Today I’m reminded of the many cool things I did as a child. At the top of the list of cool things summer brought was playing at the pool. We had one in our backyard. Everyone did in Arizona, even if you didn’t live in the nicest neighborhood. The pool was so much fun. We would go when we first woke up, in the afternoon, up until dinner and then sometimes even after dinner. I loved the games and imagination the pool brought.
What about you? What are some cool memories you had from the summer?
Summer brings many great things. Last week I was thinking about ways to help make summer the best it can be for our church family. Here is a list of 3 things you can do to get the most out of summer as a church family.
- Stay connected. Stay connected to your friends, your neighbors and church. Summer isn’t meant to be experienced alone. We are always better together and have more fun when we enjoy life with others. We were created to lean on each other for many things and fun is certainly one of them.
- Rest. One of my favorite sermons was “I am the Good Shepherd” a few months ago because we talked about how, in Jesus, rest comes first because of the work He has done on the cross. Our typical view on rest is it needs to be earned through hard work. Take some time to rest in the fact that you are a child of God and He has you. Make space for rest each week.
- Have fun. We have already talked about it above. Remember if you are a student, have children or just came off of a busy work season that it’s okay to have fun. Mindi sent an article to me about how our home should be about the love of Jesus, His ways and lots of fun. The world doesn’t offer pure fun. It values popularity, vanity, busyness and instant pleasure. None of those things truly embody fun. If that’s what we get from the world, it’s important to make our home fun. The biblical understanding of FUN is gratitude. Take a minute and be thankful for those around you. Be thankful for Jesus and His love. Be thankful for the memories that eternity brings. Enjoy His great creation and children. It’s all throughout the Bible for a reason.
I hope this summer brings great connection, rest and, most importantly, fun! Speaking of fun don’t miss out on our community movie nights. #Greatneighbors
See you Sunday,