
Through the doors of the ER

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:19

We are in the wilderness. We are living in the midst of a pandemic and there are so many unknowns. Fear, anxiety, isolation, and panic are widespread. The world is battling this disease and its having huge ramifications on our daily lives. It can feel like a spiritual desert.

I walked into a spiritual desert the moment I opened the doors to the Emergency Room in downtown LA. “Are you the Bryant family? We need to talk to you.” Everything changed and I felt my body almost melt into the floor. They brought us into a small waiting room and I knew it was bad. The doctor came in and told us my mom had a heart attack and had gone without oxygen. They didn’t have a lot of answers and were very vague. This was just the beginning of lots of waiting, praying, crying, yelling, and more waiting. We spent days, weeks, and months waiting. It was excruciatingly painful and in the midst of a life crisis I had to just sit and wait. 

When crisis hits it makes us assess our lives. When we are forced to stay home, slow down, and not attend work, school, and all other social events we take a hard look at our lives. Where do we find our identity? What consumes us? What defines us? What matters most? 

Wherever you are on your faith journey I want to encourage you to use this time to take a good hard look at yourself. 

In a crisis people assess their lives, take a look within, and seek answers to BIG questions. Crisis reminds us how temporal this life on earth really is. There has to be more. And there is more. For those that follow Jesus we get the incredible opportunity to start living an eternal life now. 

I pray you are not paralyzed with fear, but moved to draw nearer to the maker of heaven and earth. I pray you seek him now more than ever and that you share that love with others. 

Church- let’s be the body of Christ. Let us stay connected to one another and love our neighbor like never before. 

Church- let’s press into him, open up our Bibles, pray, and fast. 

Church- by leaning on Jesus and others we can have peace, joy, and love, and bring God’s glory in the midst of the wilderness!

Jesus is the way through the wilderness.

See you online tomorrow at,
