Am I My Brother's Keeper?

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As we continue to talk about life groups and influence, I think it is important to not miss how important others are in our lives. If you were able to attend service a few weeks ago, I talked about some tough questions that were caused by the fall of man in Genesis 3.

  1. God looking for Adam and Eve, knowing where they are, he asks, “Where are you?” He meant, why are you hiding in shame? You're my child, and my children don’t hide. This is a tough question we all face when we perform for others, hide in shame and don’t think we are good enough. It is a question that shapes my quiet time. I also ask myself this question when I have stress or anxiety. Are you enough Michael? Is Jesus enough?
  2. Then there is the question that Cain asks God, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

This is the question we will  focus on today. What does this mean? Ultimately Cain is surrendering any responsibility he has for his brother and denouncing him as family. This is goes completely against who God created him to be. He was made to be God's image along side others who were created to be interdependent as family.

Presently, because of the Fall, we have lost what it means to be a brother/sister or claim others as brother/sister.  We were created to be responsible for and dependent on one another. When our faith is weak we go to the family of God to lean on their strong faith. When we have a need we let others help us carry that burden. When we see a need, we help others carry their burdens. At church on Sunday, Mindi shared with me as Monet slept in her arms that, although she was heavy and caused some arm aches, when we claim others as family, we are expected to carry them no matter if it is hard or not.  Then I smelled a dirty diaper and said ,"She is yours Mindi.” Just kidding, but that would have been funny.

What does it mean to be a brother or sister in Hebrew culture?

"To come from the same place". For the jews, they misunderstood this to be only defined by blood or if someone was in agreement with their faith. For Jesus and the disciples, it was everyone, jew and gentile. We all come from the father and, together, represent the fullness of his image. If we are to fulfill Jesus' message of bringing the Kingdom to earth through making disciples, we must keep our need for others and their need for us in Jesus at the center of everything. If you haven’t joined a life group yet SIGN UP! It will change your life because you were created for it. If you are in a life group how can you be a better brother or sister? We all come from the same place and bleed the same.

See you Sunday, 
